October 25, 2011


Feihe recognised by China's Credit Management System


China's infant formula producer Feihe International Inc has attained authentication for Credit Management System (CMS) for the food industry, in recognition of its food quality and safety as well as corporate credibility and social responsibility.


Leng You Bin, the company's chairman and CEO, stated, "We are extremely pleased and honoured to announce that we are one of the first companies to receive the national CMS certificate and become one of the representatives for infant formula producers. It demonstrates our consistent efforts on producing premium quality infant formula and solidifies our leading position in China's dairy industry.


"We began to set up our credit system very early on by better controlling on our milk source, using the most advanced producing equipment and applying stringent quality control procedures to ensure our product safety and quality.


"In addition, we are one of the few dairy companies that have not involved in any quality issues and have almost 50 years of a safe production record," Leng added.


Feihe is also a producer and distributor of milk powder, soy, rice and walnut products.

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