October 21, 2011


Bayer CropScience completes acquisition of Raps GbR rapeseed business

Press Release


Bayer CropScience has completed the acquisition of the rapeseed business of the seed company Raps GbR, headquartered in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.


For a number of years now, Bayer has pursued its own breeding programme for winter oilseed rape. In North America, the company is a market leader in seed, plant traits and crop protection products for canola. The business is currently being expanded to other rapeseed-growing areas, including Europe and countries in Southeast Asia. Bayer CropScience aims to launch the first rapeseed varieties onto the European market in 2012, initially in the Czech Republic and then possibly in other European countries.


"The agreement with Raps GbR - which has more than 20 years of breeding experience, a broad portfolio of varieties and an experienced workforce - is an important step for our rapeseed strategy," said Bayer CropScience CEO Sandra E. Peterson. "It will further accelerate Bayer CropScience's entry into the European rapeseed market."


Raps GbR Managing Director Sören A. Petersen added, "We are pleased that our decades of successful breeding activities and our development pipeline will now be maintained and expanded by a strong partner. The agreement with Bayer CropScience will mean an even greater offer of varieties that will fully meet the future needs of farmers."

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