October 21, 2011


Kazakhstan continues imposing Kyrgyzstan meat import ban



The ban on meat imports from Kyrgyzstan imposed since 2006 has not been lifted by Kazakhstan, said Chief of Agriculture Ministry's Cattle Breeding and Veterinary Department Samat Aliev.


Meat products of Kyrgyzstan do not meet requirements of Kazakhstan over poor situation with cattle diseases.


Prefabricated meat products and dairy products can be exported to Kazakhstan from Kyrgyzstan, he said.


The veterinary services of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan at the meeting on August 17, 2010, in Kordai produced the action plan for opening the market of Kazakhstan for meat from Kyrgyzstan. The ban was not lifted over unfavourable situation with cattle diseases in Kyrgyzstan, Aliev explained.


"Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan are closed for our markets. They did not lift the ban on meat imports. They only allow exporting processed products," he stressed.

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