October 21, 2011


Ukraine exempts pedigree animal imports from VAT



The importation of pedigree horses, cows, pigs, sheep, heifers, as well as sperm of bulls and embryos of cattle to Ukraine has been exempted from value added tax by the Verkhovna Rada.


A total of 264 of required 226 deputies backed the draft law No.8521.


The draft law introduces amendments into the Tax Code as for payers of single tax, and deputies of the People's Party Kateryna Vaschuk, Serhii Tereschuk and Yurii Lytvyn introduced amendment No.27 for the second reading, which envisions the term.


The core committee of the Verkhovna Rada rejected the remark, but the deputies approved it with 260 votes.


At the same time, the amendment notes that transactions on further supplies of the above mentioned animals are value added taxed on general terms.


According to the media in September, Verkhovna Rada Chairman Volodymyr Lytvyn suggested that the parliament cancel VAT for importation of pedigree cattle and genetic resources, having introduced the draft law No.9149.

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