October 21, 2011


EU's grain plantings to show increase


Grain sowings in the EU in its first estimates for the 2012/13 season is expected to rise by 700,000 hectares compared to the current 2011/12, to 56.3 million hectares, Strategie Grains said Thursday (Oct 20).


The increase was mainly due a 10% rise in the durum area and 6% for spring barley. The soft wheat, winter barley and corn area were expected to remain stable on year. The analyst did not give detailed area estimates per cereal.


Strategie Grains also estimated that the oilseed area would remain stable on 2011/12 at 11.7 million hectares, mainly due to difficulties by farmers to sow rapeseed in several EU countries, but set-aside land was expected to fall by 500,000 hectares.


It stressed that the estimates were subject to a high degree of variation during the coming weeks and months depending on weather conditions, changes in ex-farm grain prices and production costs.

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