October 20, 2008
The World Trade Organisation's appeal body has ruled in favour of Canada in an ongoing dispute with the EU over the ban on imports of Canadian beef from cattle treated with growth hormones, according to the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
The appeal was over a challenge by the EU to the right of Canada and the US to continue applying sanctions against the EU in response to the Union's ban on imports of beef from cattle treated with growth hormones.
This ruling was a reversal of an earlier decision by another WTO panel that found in March 2008 that Canada's retaliatory measures were inconsistent with certain WTO procedural obligations.
Canada is currently reviewing the report and considering its next steps in consultation with stakeholders, the agency said.
The appellate decision, which also backed the US sanctions on EU products, must be adopted by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body within 30 days of its release date.