October 18, 2011

BIOMIN gains international recognition for its commitment to environmental management 
Press Release

BIOMIN was internationally recognised for its efforts related to environmental sustainability through the ISO 14040 certification.

The climate change and greenhouse gases debate urgently needs solid, scientific data and BIOMIN is proud to be able to play its part.

The company's Director for Innovation Management, Franz Waxenecker commented that "BIOMIN is totally committed to fully understanding the life cycle assessment of its individual business processes in the area of environmental sustainability."

Interest in CO2 emissions continues to grow, and all stages of the production chain, from feed manufacture and animal husbandry to slaughter, processing and retail - are now under increasing pressure. To foster a deeper and more accurate understanding of livestock production's contribution, BIOMIN has scrutinised its own processes, so gaining ISO accreditation.

As a starting point, BIOMIN looked at "global warming potential", particularly CO2 equivalents. Taking into account the climate relevant gases CO2, CH4 and N20, BIOMIN identified how much a product group, or particular animal group, contributed to the greenhouse effect.

Adopting a "cradle to grave" approach, BIOMIN focused on two main areas.
Cradle to gate analysis looked at CO2 emissions at all stages, from the technical and biotechnological processes during raw material production through to completion and delivery of its products. Thorough assessment revealed that some 70% of CO2 equivalent emissions came from the raw material production itself. In addition, core indicators for water efficiency, energy efficiency, waste and land use was monitored.

The gate to grave assessment evaluated the performance enhancing effects of BIOMIN products in animals and associated reductions in CO2 equivalent emissions.

By optimising feed use and improving animal performance, it is possible to reduce emissions from livestock operations. For example, studies have shown that 1to of CO2 invested in a BIOMIN product reduced CO2 equivalent emissions in broiler production by up to 128 tonnes.

"It has become obvious that the ecological footprint of livestock production can be significantly improved, and we are pleased that BIOMIN's contribution to the debate has been recognised through certification," added Waxenecker.

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