October 17, 2011


England's corn producers report good yield



Corn crops in England have now been harvested and growers report good yields, said Neil Groom, Grainseed technical manager.


Groom said that it is important to clamp mature corn so the full benefit of forage corn can be observed.


Speaking at the SAC's Crichton Royal "Forage Corn Meeting for Marginal Areas", farm manager Hugh McClymont said growers who drilled late will have to make a decision soon on when to harvest.


"We ourselves have drilled a lot of corn without plastic after first cut grass, but the weather this summer with less sunshine and lower temperatures has not been good. I have green bulk, but no starch in the grain sites - what should I do Cut before any frosting and ensile green matter, or hang on for maturity and accept frosted leaves"


The advice was that anyone cutting green material must put an absorbent under the corn in the clamp to soak up the juice, whether this is chopped straw, sugar beet pulp or citrus depends on local availability.

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