October 14, 2011
Ukraine produces 44 million tonnes of grains so far
As of October 12, 2011, Ukrainian grain output is 44.4 million tonnes, according to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.
According to the Ministry, agrarians harvested grains and leguminous crops throughout the areas of 13.32 million hectares, or 87% of the forecast. The average yield of these crops in the country totalled 33.3 c/ha against 27.1 c/ha last year.
Agrarians harvested 9.04 million tonnes of corn throughout 1.6 million hectares (45% of the forecast). The average yield totaled 55.6 c/ha, as opposed to 43.1 c/ha in 2010.
Agrarians harvested buckwheat throughout 268,000 hectares (43% of the forecast). The production volumes totaled 303,000 tonnes with the average yield of 11.3 c/ha against 8.3 c/ha last year.
Ukraine harvested millet throughout 151,000 hectares (98% of the forecast), and produced 290,000 tonnes with the average yield of 19.1 c/ha as compared to 15.3 c/ha in 2010.
Ukrainian agrarians harvested soy throughout 799,000 hectares (71%), and produced 1.63 million tonnes with the yield of 20.5 c/ha as compared to 15.7 c/ha in 2010.