Events in the next 3 months
In 12 days, AquaSG'16 (Aquaculture Singapore) will open and will feature three-day conference, exhibition and pre-conference workshops. It will provide an excellent platform for learning and discussing ideas about aquaculture science and technology including topics such as nutrition, health and disease, culture system, genetic and broodstock selection.
We've picked 11 other events that are slated in October and November, including the 4th International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture, which will be held in San Antonio, Texas, USA. The conference, also known as Fisheries 2016, will lay a platform for the interaction between experts around the world.
AquaSG'16 (Aquaculture Singapore)
October 19 – 21, 2016
The Aquaculture Singapore Conference was first held in 2015 as part of the opening of the Centre for Aquaculture and Veterinary Science at Temasek Polytechnic and to promote Singapore as a hub for innovative aquaculture solutions.
Following a positive response from the two-day conference and workshop, the organising committee has engaged Asian Aquaculture Network (AAN) to present AquaSG'16 this year, which comprises three-day conference, exhibition and pre-conference workshops.
This rebranded edition in 2016 will provide an excellent platform for learning and discussing ideas about aquaculture science and technology including topics such as nutrition, health and disease, culture system, genetic and broodstock selection.
Parallel to the conference are opportunities for exhibitors to present nutrition products, instruments and equipment for farm management, diagnostics and therapeutics to promote sustainable aquaculture practices in the industry.
The pre-conference workshops (dealing with shrimp culture system, shrimp diseases, nutrition and biosecurity and hatchery and broodstock) will be held on Oct. 17-18.
For more info, log on to
Catfish Quality Information and Exchange Workshop
October 19, 2016
Hernando, Mississippi, USA
This meeting of catfish industry stakeholders will discuss catfish grade standards and other quality issues related to catfish.
Online pre-registration for the meeting is required by October 14. Specific topics that you may like to address at the meeting can be submitted to
Lunch will be provided.
For more details, log on to
10th Annual Algae Biomass Summit
October 23 – 26, 2016
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Produced by the Algae Biomass Organisation (ABO), this event, dubbed as the world's largest algae conference, unites industry professionals from all sectors of the world's algae utilisation industries including those involved in financing, algal ecology, genetic systems, carbon partitioning, engineering & analysis, aquaculture, biofuels, animal feeds, fertilizers, bioplastics, supplements and foods. Algae can provide nutrition for animals and people, among others.
Based on the preliminary agenda for the summit released on July 5 by ABO, the plenary and breakout sessions promise a wide range of discussions about the latest advances in algae commercialization, research and finance. The agenda for the Summit can be viewed at:
Arizona is home to some of the US' most advanced test beds for new algae technologies, cultivation techniques and product development with multiple testing facilities, training programs and research centres. It has blossomed into a key algae technology hub for products ranging from pharmaceuticals to nutraceuticals to biofuels, making it an ideal location for showcasing the wide variety of products that the algae industry has to offer.
This algae biomass summit is attended by leading producers of algae products to network with industry suppliers and technology providers, by project developers to converse with utility executives, and researchers and technology developers to rub elbows with venture capitalists.
Early-bird registration is available until August 1.
More information can be had by logging on to
6th International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia (ICAI)
October 27 – 29, 2016
Kuta-Bali, Indonesia
The International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia 2016 is one of the most significant regional or global aquaculture events held in Indonesia. This is the sixth event of ICAI which, starting this year, becomes the annual international forum for the aquaculture community—academics, researchers, students, market and industry analysts, government officials, policy makers and industry representatives—organised and hosted by Indonesian Aquaculture Society (MAI).
This conference is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas, information and knowledge between scientists and industry personnel on important issues in aquaculture and finding solutions to support the industry. This conference will be a meeting forum and current-information sharing between scientists and the business actors in aquaculture coming from all over Asia-Pacific and other countries.
The theme for ICAI 2016 is "Innovations in Aquaculture Technology for Sustainable Aquaculture in the Future". Global food demand will increase by much as 70% by 2050 due to increased population. High food demand has positioned aquaculture as an important industry sector and as food-supply and economic mover. Indonesia has the potential to be the biggest aquaculture producer in the world (67.7 million tonnes per year) consisting of marine aquaculture sector (47 million tonnes), brackishwater aquaculture sector (15 million tonnes), and freshwater aquaculture sector (5.7 million tonnes). However, this high potential is just utilised up to 11%. A sustainable aquaculture management is needed in Indonesia, including the development of infrastructure, investment, friendly environment and human resources. The aquaculture industry must reduce reliance on fishmeal and fish oil as a key ingredient in aqua feeds. A focus on looking for new sources omega-3 will be very important in developing sustainable aqua feeds.
This conference will tackle the many threats and opportunities and consider how to best manage the sustainable development of the global aquaculture industry. There will be plenary sessions and topics-based parallel class sessions for two days of the conference. The class sessions will consist of 1.) diseases and aquaculture sustainability; 2.) aquaculture management and technology; 3.) feed management and nutrition; 4.) genetics and breeding; 5.) aquaculture business and marketing (shrimp, finfish, seaweed, eel); and 6.) Farmers Day and applied technology forum.
For more info, log on to
International Fisheries Symposium
October 31 – November 2, 2016
Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam
World aquaculture and fisheries increasingly becomes very important industry. Total world production of aquaculture and fisheries recently reached around 170 million tons. Asean is a very dynamic producer and supplier of world aquatic products. Growing together and for the development of aquaculture and fisheries, education, research and technology innovation in aquaculture and fisheries in Asean countries are more and more important and significant.
With the mission of promoting collaborative education, research and exchange in aquaculture and fisheries science and technology in the region and with the worldwide institutions, Asean-FEN was established with 18 members including nine core members (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia; Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia; Kasetsart University, Thailand; Prince of Songkla University, Thailand; Rajamangala University of Science and Technology Srivijaya, Thailand; Can Tho University, Vietnam; Nong Lam University, Vietnam; Universitas Air Langga, Indonesia; Universitas Brawijawa, Indonesia) and nine associate members (Nha Trang University, Vietnam; Hue University, Vietnam; University of the Philippines Visayas, Philippines; Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia; Prek Leap National College of Agriculture, Cambodia; University of Yangon, Myanmar; Savanakhet University, Laos; Burapha University, Thailand; and Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia).
This 6th International Fisheries Symposium (IFS2016) will be organised in Phu Quoc city, Phu Quoc Island of Vietnam, from October 31 to November 2, co-hosted by Can Tho University, Nong Lam University, Nha Trang University and Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry.
With the theme"Promoting Healthier Aquaculture and Fisheries for Food Safety and Security", this symposium will focus on the advanced innovation as well as address the newly emerged issues in aquaculture and fisheries for healthier aquatic food products.
For more info, log on to
China Fisheries & Seafood Expo
November 2 – 4, 2016
Qingdao International Expo Center, China
One of Asia's largest seafood expositions, the CFSE has been helping seafood companies from around the world grow their business in the world's largest and fastest-growing seafood market. The expo has 30,000 square meters of exhibit space and attracts more than 25,000 visitors from almost 100 countries. It also features more than 1,300 exhibiting companies from over 45 countries.
The expo will be held for the second year in the beautiful Qingdao International Expo Center. Located at Aoshan Bay, about 45 minutes north of downtown, QIEC has 10 pillar-free exhibit halls with the capacity to hold 6,000 booths, making it one of the largest and most modern exhibit halls in China.
For more info, log on to
2nd International Congress of Macrobrachium
Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
November 9 – 11, 2016
The International Congress of Macrobrachium is organised for the second time by several educational and research institutions of Mexico (CIC-UdeG, CIIDIR-IPN, CIBNOR, UJAT and UNAM-FESI) in an effort to improve the knowledge of the biology and taxonomy, ecological aspects, genetics, aquaculture and fisheries of the freshwater prawns of genus Macrobrachium.
This event will gather researchers, students and producers who work with this group of organisms. The congress covers several aspects of the Macrobrachium and features lectures, oral and poster presentations, special sessions and competitions.
For more info, e-mail
2nd Taiwan Fisheries and Seafood Show
November 9 – 11, 2016
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
The Taiwan International Fisheries and Seafood Show 2016, to be held at theKaohsiung Exhibition Hall, expects to attract 250 local and international exhibitors on more than 500 booths. It also expects to draw some 7,000 professional visitors.
The expo will feature sections for fishing gear and technology, fish farming, processed seafood products, fishery services and, for the first time, fisheries biotechnology. The TAITRA hopes to create a more competitive platform for the exhibitors.
Taiwan's fishery industry and its production value have played a vital part on the international market, and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council, which co-hosts the show with My Exhibition, hopes to create a more competitive platform for the exhibitors.
For more info, log on to
2nd International Congress on Applied Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment
November 10 – 12, 2016
Messolonghi, Greece
This international congress tackles the latest developments, new methods and technologies, trends and research activities in Greece and abroad. It will give opportunities for exchanges of opinions and knowledge.
The congress, HydroMediT 2016 for short, will focus on research and innovation technology applied mainly in the Mediterranean and its adjacent waters, but interesting solutions from other parts of the world will also be accepted. The main theme of the Congress will be: "Global Trends and Innovations for the Sustainable Development of Aquaculture & Fisheries in Our Region".
General fields of interest will be aquaculture, fisheries, processing of aquatic products, economics and marketing of fisheries products, environmental management, and inland aquatic resources.
For more info, log on to
FENACAM'16 - Brazilian Farmed Shrimp Fair
November 21 – 24, 2016
Fortaleza City, Ceará, Brazil
FENACAM'16, which is on its 13th edition, will incorporate four events: XIII International Symposium on Shrimp Farming; X International Symposium on Aquaculture; XIII International Fair of Services and Products for Aquaculture and XIII Gastronomic Festival of the Seafood.
These events are aimed at meeting the expectations and interests of the entire production chain of marine shrimp farming and Brazilian aquaculture. They will also facilitate interactions among shrimp farmers, fish farmers, speakers, panelists, congressmen, service exhibitors and other stakeholders in the production chain of aquaculture/marine shrimp farming.
Oral and poster presentations will take into account the demands and needs of fish/shrimp farmers and participants, such as updates and advances in aquaculture and shrimp farming in different regions of Brazil and major Latin American countries and Asia.
The International Fair of Services and Products for Aquaculture, taking place parallel to the other events of FENACAM'16, will have about 300 booths representing the most modern in the Brazilian and global aquaculture industry and offering a great opportunity to update and exchange information among producers, manufacturers, academia, government, industry and the general public.
One of the main attractions and highlights of FENACAM'16 will be the XIII Gastronomic Festival of Seafood, an event that has become an important factor for the promotion of aquaculture products.
For more info, log on to
4th International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture
November 28 – 30, 2016
San Antonio, Texas, USA
The 4th International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture, or Fisheries 2016, for short, will lay a platform for the interaction between experts around the world. It aims to signify scientific discoveries, ideas and major milestones in the field of aquaculture technology and fisheries science.
This conference has for its theme "Blue Revolution". It will include oral talks, workshop, symposium, poster presentations and exhibitions. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, developments, and the newest updates in aquaculture and fisheries are the hallmarks of this conference.
For more info, log on to
Seawork Asia
November 29 – December 1, 2016
Shanghai, China
Seawork Asia is the largest commercial marine and workboat exhibition in the Asian region. It provides unique access to this fast-growing sector, attracting 70 exhibitors and more than 5,000 attendees from 12 countries, and bringing 120 brands and 5,000 products to the event.
Seawork Asia is the ideal platform for world-renowned maritime brands and organisations from sectors including: vessel design, build, repair or maintenance; commercial fishing and aquaculture; and marine contracting and vessel services.
It will be held at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center.
For more info, visit