September 30, 2008


Canadian province Ontario begins soy harvest


The maturity of the soy crop is variable through Ontario, but harvest activities have begun in a number of regions, according to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs department's field crop update for the week ended Sept. 24.


The harvest of the province's soy crop was underway mainly in the southwest and the area north of London, Ontario, the report said. The soy harvest was expected to be in full swing within a week or so.


Early soy yields are average to above average, except where conditions were very dry in late summer. Yields in the mid 30s (bushels per acre) were being reported in the extreme southwest. Yields in south-central Ontario were above average. Overall, seed quality is good with average seed size.


The last of the spring wheat harvest was finishing up in southern Ontario. In northern Ontario, the spring wheat crop was about 50 percent harvested. Yields have been about average with good quality reported, the report said.


Corn crop maturity was the most advanced in the southwest where accumulated heat units were normal and much of the corn is at or approaching black layer.


The crop is increasingly behind normal development in lower heat unit areas. In the tour of Corn Performance Trials conducted the week of Sept. 15, the majority of plots were in the one-third milk line stage. With the good weather conditions of the last two weeks, they should now be near one-half milk line.


Corn rootworm and earworm infestations have been reported in different pockets of the province. Initial field scouting has provided evidence to suggest some concerns with ear moulds in the southwest and that these declined as you moved east, the report said.


The corn silage harvest was underway.


Winter wheat planting was underway where the soy harvest was proceeding, the report said. In most areas, the soil conditions for planting were seen as excellent.


Dry weather, meanwhile, has allowed for the excellent harvest progress of a high quality edible bean crop, the report said. Yields have ranged from 15 to over 25 cwt/acre with moistures in the 16-20 percent range.

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