September 29, 2011


Hendrix and Grelier collaborate in poultry breeding and distribution



Hendrix Genetics and Financière Grelier Holding have finalised their agreement to collaborate in poultry breeding and distribution.


Hendrix Genetics acquired 100% of the Grelier Groupe. Jean-Marc and Dominique Grelier are to become shareholders of Hendrix Genetics next to Hendrix family (majority and control), Sofiprotéol (the financial institution of the French oil and protein industry) and management.


An exclusive negotiation period was already announced in December 2010.


This project is a result from the joint reflection by the shareholders of the two groups, which show synergies and potential significant growth in the coming years. The new combination will have around EUR300 million (US$409 million) sales and more than 2,000 employees.


Grelier was founded in 1955 and its activities include breeding, multiplication and hatchery activities in the turkey, chicken and guinea-fowl breeding industry, with production activities in France, Poland and Hungary, and sales activities in more than 38 countries.


Hendrix Genetics, headquartered in Boxmeer, the Netherlands, is a leading multispecies breeding company, with 5 divisions: layer breeding (Institut de Sélection Animale-ISA), pig breeding (Hypor), turkey breeding (Hybrid poultry distribution (Grelier, SFPA, Integra, Joice and Hill) and aquaculture breeding (Landcatch Natural Selection).

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