September 26, 2011 


CID Lines introduces new liquid nutritional supplement
Press Release



CID Lines  launched Agrocid Tonic, a liquid nutritional supplement for poultry containing nine different minerals and trace elements; the supplement is to be supplied during growth and intensive production periods.


Agrocid Tonic is intended as a complement on the ration to support poultry during bone development, heat stress, feed changes, unbalanced feathering and between or after vaccinations. It is also useful in improving egg shell quality, thickness and strength during periods of nutritional stress.


In modern poultry farming, broilers and turkeys are performing at the highest level in terms of growth and meat yield. In order to maintain these rapid growth rates and heavy body weights, a well-developed bone structure is essential. Agrocid Tonic is providing this because of its phosphorus and calcium content where the greatest portion of these trace elements is devoted to maintain and support the skeleton.


It is a well-known fact that the eggshell thickness and quality - especially of older layer flocks - can be comprised when layer hens are eating less, suffering illness, using up their bone reserves for calcium. At these difficult periods, supporting and boosting the layers' health with Agrocid Tonic has shown to be effective.


Furthermore, Agrocid Tonic also provides layers with zinc. For layers, zinc plays a major role in the hens' immune response, in skin and wound healing,and for hormone production (testosterone and corticosteroids). Zinc is also essential for the eggshell formation in the hens shell gland.

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