September 26, 2008

Norel & Nature creates new flavour from Fenugreek for ruminant feed


Based on Fenugreek's aromatic quality, Norel & Nature has created the new "FLUIDAROM 1952" Fenugreek flavour for feeding ruminants.


Fenugreek, a plant originally from Asia, was used by the Egyptians during the embalming process because of its flavour and is cultivated worldwide as a semi-arid crop.


The product is recommended as an attractant, appetite promoter for all ruminants and to hide unpleasant flavours in their feed. Norel & Nature offers the product as granulated micro-particles that facilitate a perfect mixing in the animal feed.


Based in Spain, Norel & Nature operates in over 50 countries worldwide and specialises in the rumen protected vegetable fat market. It also develops specific ranges of natural and nutritional products for swine, poultry and aquaculture.

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