September 25, 2008
South Korea has approved beef imports from 18 US slaughterhouses that met quality and sanitation standards, according to the National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service (NVRQS) on Wednesday (September 24, 2008).
The number of US facilities allowed to export beef to South Korea has now increased to 48.
The NVRQS said the facilities have maintained the industry-accepted Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points system designed to remove all materials and manufacturing processes that put consumer health at risk.
"Inspectors checked for a standing regime to check the age of animals being butchered, proper removal of specified risk materials that run the greatest risk of transmitting mad cow disease to humans, and the ability to track the place of origin of the animals," a NVRQS official said.
The official added that the facilities followed rules on screening downer cows.
A total of 22 US slaughterhouses were inspected. One backed out as it was unable to meet the "Less than 30 Month Age-Verification Quality System Assessment (QSA) Programme" agreed by South Korea and the US to alleviate concerns of US beef safety, while three others were rejected due to poor sanitary conditions and inadequate microbe detection and contamination prevention systems.