September 12, 2011


Russia forecasts grain export growth to 41.5 million tonnes



The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation projected that the country's grain production will reach 125 million tonnes with its export capacity to 41.5 million tonnes by 2020.


The forecast was specified in the draft State programme of agricultural sector development for the period 2013-2020, developed by the Ministry. The growth of grain production and exports can be provided on the basis of stabilization of grain sowing areas at the level of 50 million has, increase of groats sowing areas to the level of 2140 thsd ha, leguminous crops - up to 2540 thousand hectares. Besides, the yield of grains should be not less than 25 c/ha, groats - 18 c/ha, leguminous crops - 27 c/ha. It is expected to increase soy and rapeseed sowing areas, which will bring the production volumes to the levels of 3.75 million tonnes (1.2 million tonnes in 2010) and 1.545 million tonnes (670.1 thousand tonnes), respectively.


The draft program stipulates that in 2020 the production of agricultural commodities in enterprises of all categories will increase by 39% compared to 2010 (up 27.6% compared to 2009), including plant growing commodities - up 63.1% (up 25.7% compared to 2009). Forecast on sunflower production is made at the level of 7.5 million tonnes (5.3 million tonnes).

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