September 10, 2015


Lallemand study shows probiotic yeast product's effect on lactating sows




Lallemand Animal Nutrition has presented the results of its study at the recent joint annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association and American Society of Animal Science in Orlando, Florida, showing that probiotic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM I-1079 (LEVUCELL® SB), helps increase sow feed intake during lactation.


The results, according to Lallemand, confirmed that the monogastric-specific probiotic represents a valuable tool for lactating sows management.


Optimal feed intake in early lactation is key to ensuring sufficient milk production and limiting sow body weight loss, which impacts both piglet and sow performance.


The meta-analysis encompassed 10 recent commercial trials performed with S. cerevisiae boulardii CNCM I-1079 throughout Europe and North America and included 1,111 sows. This robust statistical method showed an overall significant effect (P< 0.05) of the probiotic on sow feed intake in lactation ranging from 0.180 to 0.260 kg of extra feed /day/sow (depending on the statistical model used), Lallemand Animal Nutrition stated.


Dr. Eric Chevaux, applied R&D manager for Lallemand Animal Nutrition, said the probiotic action of S. cerevisiae boulardii CNCM I-1079 helped improve sow feed intake by balancing the microbiota of the digestive system. Documenting the effect across multiple trials was a result of producer feedback.


"When it comes to feed intake measurement, inter-individual variability remains high, even when parameters such as parity, feed or environment are fixed," he said.


Robust conclusions


"This meta-analysis was conducted in order to bring a quantitative evaluation on the effect of the live yeast on sow feed intake in lactation", he added.


Dr. Chevaux noted that the statistical method used is recognised by scientists and helps ensure the effects are significant and the conclusions robust.


Dr. David Saornil, swine product manager for Lallemand Animal Nutrition, said that when feed intake during lactation is improved, both piglet and sow productivity can be improved.


"The effects are numerous: Piglets' average daily gain can be increased due to better milk production; sows appear to lose less body weight during lactation; and the wean-to-estrus interval can be reduced," he said.


"We know that significant weight loss during the first lactation has negative effects on future litter size, a phenomenon known as 'second litter syndrome.' The importance of sow body weight cannot be underestimated during this key step of pig production", Dr. Saornil added.


Lallemand Animal Nutrition manufactures high-value yeast and bacteria products including probiotics, silage inoculants and yeast derivatives.

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