September 7, 2011
Kazakhstan to export grain to Iran
Kazakhstan intends to export up to 600,000 tonnes of grain to Iran in the current marketing year, said Anna Buts, the director of the agriculture and sanitary protection department of Agriculture from the Ministry of Kazakhstan on Tuesday (Sep 6).
"In June 2010, in order to be protected from competition with foreign higher-quality wheat, Iran has introduced import customs duties. In case of cancellation of duties, the Food Corporation JSC of Kazakhstan plans to export up to 600,000 tonnes of grain in this direction," said Buts. She said last year, 273,000 tonnes of Kazakh grain were shifted through the grain terminal of Iranian Amirabad Port, in 2011, 42,000 tonnes were shifted. During the current marketing year, wheat production in Iran was 13 million tonnes. Grain deficit could amount to about 1.5-2 million tonnes.
"Currently Uzen-Gorgan railway line, which will link Kazakhstan via Turkmenistan and Iran is under construction and subsequently, enable the transport capacity of Kazakh grain to increase to three million tonnes," she said. As reported earlier, in the 2011-12 marketing year, grain exports from Kazakhstan, given flour in grain equivalent, is projected at eight to nine million tonnes, and the grain harvest in Kazakhstan in 2011 is projected at 18 million tonnes.