September 6, 2017
Tyson to build chicken-processing plant in northeastern Kansas, US

Tyson Foods Inc. will build a new chicken-processing facility in northeastern Kansas, US, with a US$320 million investment injected into the plant which would require a staff of 1,600 people, Associated Press reported.
The facility will help Tyson cope with increased demand for fresh poultry and is expected to be operational by the middle of 2019. This new site will be located outside Tonganoxie, which is about 48km west of Kansas City.
Plans for the plant was unveiled at a recent news conference with Governor Sam Brownback and other local officials. The former commented that the development has a "far-reaching impact... that will be felt by farmers, ranchers, agribusiness and communities throughout eastern Kansas."
Tyson intends to acquire a 300-acre site, where it will also establish a hatchery and feed mill. The company expects to break ground for the project this fall.
The future plant incorporates "the latest production technology" which will facilitate "sustained growth in consumer demand for fresh chicken," Tyson president and CEO Tom Hayes said.
Capable of processing 1.25 million birds weekly, the facility may have part of its operations contracted to local farmers. According to local officials, payments to farmers and purchases of feed and utilities will amount to US$150 million each year.

- Associated Press

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