August 29, 2011


Malaysian beef imports hit six-year high



The beef imports of Malaysia during 2010-11 rose 11% against the same period of last year to a six-year high of 117,797 tonnes swt.


There was a rise in volumes from India, Australia, New Zealand and China which more than offset falls in imports from Brazil and Argentina due to restricted market access.


Malaysia was the second largest market for Indian carabeef in 2010. Carabeef is mainly sold through traditional markets and utilised at low-end foodservice outlets. Malaysia was also the eighth largest market for Australian and Chinese beef exports and ranked 12th for New Zealand beef in 2010.


During the 12 months to June 2011, Malaysia's beef imports from India jumped 14%, to represent 83% of total beef imports. Volumes from Australia also surged 56% year-on-year, to account for 12% of total beef imports. Alongside India and Australia, New Zealand (3% market share) and China (2%) continued to supplement imported beef demand for Malaysia's foodservice sector.


In July 2011, the Malaysian government announced access to Brazilian beef and turkey into the market. Initially, two slaughterhouses were allowed to ship beef and one to ship turkey. The decision followed a visit by Brazil's Ministry of Agriculture to Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan in June, as part of the Brazilian government's strategy to expand its meat markets.

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