August 25, 2011
Belarusian scientists estimate the general grain harvest in bunker weight of the country's agricultural organizations at the level of 7.8 million tonnes.
Konstantin Shashko led the Research and Implementation Center for agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Cand. Sc. {Biology}.
To date agrarians harvest grains with high humidity, after drying the general grain harvest in agricultural organizations of Belarus will reach the level of 7.6-7.7 million tonnes, excluding buckwheat, millet and corn, he said.
While assessing the whole grain production volumes in the current year, the scientist noted that in the current climate conditions, it is not bad. And the quality of grains is better compared to the last year - large, completed.
According to him, high grain yield provided the most significant influence at increasing of grain production volumes compared to last year. In the current year, grain yield exceeds the last year index by almost 5 c/ha - 34.7 c/ha against 29.7 c/ha in 2010. Yield index and quality indicators of winter crops were higher compared to spring crops. Due to shortage of precipitation spring crops sowings perished throughout almost 30-40%, said K. Shashko.
According to him, to date the country has the favourable conditions for sowing of winter crops: the soil is well moistened, received the necessary application of mineral fertilisers.