August 23, 2011
Australia's Victoria cattle stock lowers
The cattle supply in Australia's Victoria this winter to date has constricted 21% on-year at markets, with the above average rainfall and wet seasonal conditions restricting turnoff.
Cattle yardings are also historically lower, with the throughput during this period 12% below the five-year average.
All categories of stock recorded fewer numbers, although combined supplies of vealer steers and heifers were similar to 2010. The largest reduction was seen in yearling heifers and cows, which declined 43% and 21%, respectively. This comes as producers look to increase herd sizes through retaining females after previous drought years. Approximately 29% fewer bulls were sent through the physical markets, with producers almost certainly retaining sires for reproduction.
Water logged pastures state-wide has been the main limiting factor to throughput, with this affect particularly pronounced in North Eastern Victoria. Shepparton and Wodonga cattle yardings through winter have been 41% and 21%, respectively, lower year-on-year. Supply was also consistently smaller in the Western District, with fewer cattle turned off in Warrnambool, Camperdown and Colac.
The quality of the cattle has remained fair despite the waterlogged pastures, with yearling cattle showing adequate condition and weight. The proportion of heavyweight yearling supplies lifted 8% year-on-year, while medium weight drafts were 10% higher.