August 19, 2011


American Feed Industry Association certifies Old Bridge Chemicals



The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) has certified Old Bridge Chemicals, a minerals supplier, for its Safe Feed/Safe Food programme.


Old Bridge is currently working on FAMI-QS Certification as a safe feed, safe food supplier to the animal feed industry.


Old Bridge Chemicals (OBC) is the largest manufacturer of copper sulfate and copper carbonate in the US and is a major supplier of zinc sulfate, zinc chloride and other chemical compounds containing copper and zinc.


The animal feed industry requires minerals such as zinc and copper to help with proper growth, development and health for animals.


According to Joel Bzura, Executive Vice President of OBC, "This is the latest in a series of corporate certifications, expansions and improvements designed both to increase production of existing and new products, and to add to flexibility as market demands adapt to changing conditions."


OBC was founded in 1962 and all products are manufactured in its New Jersey facility. The company is planning the opening of their new granular zinc sulfate plant in the fall of 2011.

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