August 16, 2011


Bulgarian wheat output to reach 4.6 million tonnes



The 2011 wheat production volume in Bulgaria will amount to the level of 4.6 million tonnes compared with four million tonnes from the previous year, according to operators of the local market.


Sufficient volumes of precipitation became the main reason for such high forecast, which has a beneficial effect on the yield of the reporting grain.


To date, agrarians almost finished the harvesting of wheat in Bulgaria and harvested the grain throughout 99.4% of the planned areas. To date agrarians produced 4.25 million tonnes of wheat. The average grain yield totalled 40.9 c/ha as opposed to 36 c/ha last year.


Experts of Bulgaria National Grain Service commented that the volume of wheat of flour milling quality exceeded the previous year results by 30%, reaching 53% of the general volume of produced wheat.

As a reminder, in July 2011 analysts of IGC published the forecast of wheat production in the country in 2011 at the level of 4.4 million tonnes against 4.2 million tonnes a month earlier.

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