August 12, 2008


Turkey popularity in the US on an upward trend

Washington-based National Turkey Federation (NTF) has conducted a survey that reveals the growing popularity of turkey and turkey products in the retail and foodservice sectors.


In 2007, more than 403 million pounds of ground turkey was sold, up 10 percent from nearly 365 million pounds in 2005, according to NTF's 2008 Marketplace Survey.


The growth is a reflection of ground turkey's versatility and good nutritional profile, which makes it easy to use in an array of dishes, NTF vice president of marketing and communications Sherrie Rosenblatt said.


The survey said the top three turkey products produced are whole birds at 24.5 percent, cooked white meat or deli meat at 13.8 percent and ground turkey at 10.1 percent.


Nearly 43 percent of the turkey volume sold went to the retail sector. Whole birds make up 50 percent of the volume distributed to supermarkets, followed by ground turkey at 15.6 percent and bone-in breast at 7.3 percent, according to the survey.

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