August 11, 2011
Schumann Bioenergy and scientists focus on increasing biogas plant efficiency
Scientists from the Department for Sustainable Environmental and Energy Engineering at Germany University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HAWK) and the research division of Schumann BioEnergy GmbH, ISF GmbH, are to collaborate in a research project to increase biogas plant efficiency through the application of bioavailable trace elements.
The work is supported financially by the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) over the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR) as project coordinator for the support programme "Renewable raw materials".
The focus of the research is bioavailability of trace elements based on optimising composition of the additives and quantities required. On the basis of sequential extraction procedure, methods are to be developed and adapted so that macro- and micronutrient availability within the biogas production process can be investigated and evaluated. This will involve separation, identification and quantifying of the bioavailable proportion of trace nutrients in the fermenter of a biogas plant.
Alongside the identification of nutrients that are directly bioavailable, the potentially mobilisable proportion will also be investigated. In this context, the various trace element preparations will be tested. The proportion of bioavailable micronutrients as well as their effect on the biological activity of microorganisms in the fermentation process will be identified. Investigations are to be carried out in pilot plant scale as well as in large scale practice-oriented production plants.
The work will be aimed at closing the loopholes in knowledge still existing between accepted practice for nutrient input and the actual effects. The target is economical improvement of product application as well as making the process more environmentally friendly.