August 4, 2016

Diamond V appoints new service directors




Diamond V has recently appointed Dr. Don McIntyre and Dr. Hilary Pavlidis to higher leadership positions.


Dr. McIntyre (pictured, right) has been promoted to director of Global Research and Technical Services. "Dr. McIntyre brings a great deal of knowledge and expertise to lead our research, innovation, and technical services efforts to the next level," Mike Goble, executive vice president and COO of Diamond V, said.


Dr. McIntyre was previously responsible for Diamond V's North America Poultry Research and Technical Services. "Besides overseeing our poultry research," Goble added, "Don had provided technical service to poultry producers and integrators in a variety of disciplines, including reproduction, meat production, processing, and welfare."


Dr. McIntyre received his Masters from Colorado State University in 1980 and his PhD in Physiology from North Carolina State in 1984. His experience prior to joining Diamond V in 2012 included R&D positions at Hybrid Turkeys and Oscar Meyer. He worked as a poultry production manager for Louis Rich and Pilgrim's and was president of British United Turkeys of America (BUTA) and Colorado Quality Research (CQR). Dr. McIntyre also held technical service positions for Hendrix Genetics and Adisseo North America.


In addition to his responsibilities at Diamond V, Dr. McIntyre currently serves on the Foundation Research Committee of the US Poultry & Egg Association (USPEA). He is assistant section editor for the Poultry Science Journal and past president of the Southern Poultry Science Society. Dr. McIntyre is certified by the Professional Animal Auditor Certification Organization (PAACO) as an Animal Welfare Auditor and Trainer specialising in poultry. His 30 years of experience in the poultry industry includes serving on the Board of Directors of the Poultry Science Association, USPEA, North Carolina Poultry Federation, South Carolina Poultry Federation, and National Turkey Federation.


Dr. Hilary Pavlidis (pictured, left) has been promoted to her new role as director of Global Poultry Research and Technical Service. "Dr. Hilary Pavlidis is no stranger to many in the poultry industry and at Diamond V," Dr. McIntyre commented. "She has been part of the North America Poultry Team and has been an integral part of Diamond V's exciting growth in poultry markets. Dr. Pavlidis brings more than 10 years of poultry experience to our team in the areas of genetics, experimental design, and statistical analyses along with practical poultry production knowledge."


Previously, Dr. Pavlidis served as Pedigree Geneticist with Cobb-Vantress in Siloam Springs, Arizona, and as programme geneticist with Aviagen Turkeys in Lewisburg, West Virginia. She earned her Bachelors in animal and poultry science at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, before attaining both her Masters and PhD from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.


She is previously president of the Poultry Breeders of America and a member of the Poultry Science Association where she has served as associate editor for the Breeding and Genetics section of the Poultry Science Journal.

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