August 3, 2011
Hungary's corn production to reach 8.1 million tonnes
Hungary's 2011 corn production is estimated at 8.1 million tonnes based on a July 27 preliminary crop estimate, well above 6.97 million tonnes harvested last year, the Central Agricultural Office (CAO) said.
The government body, which provides the Agriculture Ministry with crop estimates, stated that corn was planted on 1.224 million hectares, nearly 145,000 hectares above last year's harvested area, according to a Reuters report.
The average yield in corn is seen at 6.62 tonnes per hectare, slightly above 6.57 tonnes/ha last year, it said.
The CAO added that the wheat crop was seen at 3.9 million tonnes with 94% of the harvest completed as of August 1, in line with its previous estimate and slightly above last year's 3.76 million tonne harvest.