August 2, 2011
US organic beef producer loses certification
Promiseland Livestock, a major provider of cattle and dairy cows for organic production and organic beef in the US, has lost its organic certification, according to USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service.
Effective July 28, Promiseland cannot represent its products as organic for five years.
USDA originally suspended Promiseland's organic certification last year, citing the livestock company's repeated withholding of records from authorised agents that would have allowed them to conduct audits of the company's facilities.
In October 2010, the USDA announced a judicial officer ruling to uphold the suspension, following a series of hearings between Promiseland and AMS, during which the Nebraska-based company appealed its suspension and eventually filed a federal lawsuit to halt the suspension of its organic certification.
In December, Promiseland filed a motion requesting a stay of the decision and order on the grounds that the company was preparing an appeal of the decision in US District Court.
The company withdrew the motion in late June.