US soy associations meet to promote soy use in aquaculture
Two major soy associations, along with state representatives and researchers, recently met to discuss how the use of soy can be expanded in the aquaculture industry.
The stakeholders' meeting was jointly held by the US Soybean Export Council (USSEC) and the USB New Uses and Domestic Marketing.
Representatives from both organizations and from six US states discussed the progress of the Soy in Aquaculture programme, which aims to increase the amount of soy used in the aquaculture industry.
Current soy use in fish diets is estimated at 300 million bushels annually, according to statistics from AgProfessional.
The meeting, held in New Hampshire, also covered current international marketing and research activities and aquaculture research proposals, as well as a feeding demonstration using the improved Ocean Cage Aquaculture Technology (OCAT) cages.
OCAT cages are self-submerging devices that enable feeding of fish without divers or hi-tech equipment.
With world population likely to increase by two billion by 2025, and with the emphasis on the health benefits of consuming fish, the aquaculture industry is in need of a protein feed source that is renewable yet affordable, such as soy.