July 31, 2008


EU approves 33 more Brazilian beef companies

Despite concerns from various quarters, notably the Irish, the EU has approved 33 more companies that have passed the Sisbov inspections and can export beef from Brazil.


This now brings the number of farms that are allowed to supply the processing plants for export to Europe up to 123.


The increase follows inspections carried out through the Ministry of Agriculture and the state farm safety service, which certifies the farms.


The Brazilian state of Minas Gerais had the largest number of new farms certified to meet EU standards - rising from 65 to 80. Million


Mato Grosso saw the number of farms rise from seven to 12 and Rio Grande do Sul saw the number of farms go up from 10 to 13.


Irish and UK farm concerns have long voiced opposition to Brazilian beef imports, citing FMD concerns. 

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