July 21, 2008


Poultry feed contain toxins harmful to humans


Scientists at Pakistan's University of Agriculture have detected the presence of a bacterium in poultry birds that poses a serious threat to human health as it cannot be destroyed through cooking.


The Aflatoxins (AF) bacteria, which accumulate in bird tissues, organs and eggs upon bird ingestion, can cause cancer and other major health problems in humans. As it can withstand steam heating and dry heating of up to 160 degrees Celsius, cooking will not eradicate the toxin.


AF contaminates agricultural products such as feed and feed ingredients when exposed to hot and humid conditions during storage.


Dr. Zahid Hussain, one of the scientists, said that AF damages food and cereal grains, oilseeds cake and their by-products. In Pakistan, AF incidence in broken rice was reported to be 60 percent, according to industry reports. In corn and corn gluten feed, incidence level was 25 percent, he added.   


Researchers in Pakistan reported that the B1 strain of AF is a major problem for poultry feed, with levels found to be as high as 85 percent in feed samples.


AF toxicity in poultry birds results in a decrease of meat and egg production due to reduction in feed efficiency, decreased hatchability, immunosuppression, and hepatotoxicosis.

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