July 21, 2008


Herbruck Poultry to spend US$13 million to expand organic egg business



US egg farm Herbruck Poultry Ranch Inc. will spend US$13 million to expand its organic egg operation by 300,000 hens this year, as organic egg demand continues to grow.


The company will open an organic egg production facility and a processing facility in order to keep up with the increasing demand for organic eggs. The facilities will be built near its other operations in Ionia County, Michigan.


In line with the new farms, Herbruck will buy another 300,000 organically-grown chickens, which will produce 300,000 more organic eggs daily. Currently, Herbruck contracts with other farms for most of its organic egg production.


The farm intends to expand further in future to increase the number of organic hens to more than 1 million and the number of total hens to 6 million.


Run by the founder's five children, the 50-year Michigan farm produces most of the eggs in the state, and supplies them to retail chains as well as other companies, including one that supplies eggs to fast-food giant McDonald's.

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