July 19, 2011
Chile to toughen salmon farms' sanctions
Chile's government plans to impose stricter penalties for companies in the salmon industry that do not comply with the new sanitary rules.
Currently, the sanctions do not exceed 3,000 UTM (monthly tax unit), equivalent to CLP115 million (US$246,000).
"We're conducting an assessment to achieve a change in the law that increases sanctions for violating the sanitary regulations of the salmon industry. The aim is to be deterrent to the possibility of committing breaches of legislation," said the head of the Undersecretariat of Fisheries (Subpesca), Pablo Galilea.
For the undersecretary, the fines provided for by law, ranging from 50 UTM - CLP1.9 million (US$4,065) - up to 3,000 UTM - are not high enough.
"Many times it may be cheaper for a company to pay the fine than to comply with the rule. This is a very sensitive issue, given the severe crisis that we experienced in 2007 with the appearance of the virus of infectious salmon anemia (ISA)" he explained.
It is expected that the government of Chile, through the Ministry of Economy, present a package of measures within the next 30 days, El Mercurio reported.
The initiative also provides for review of expiration, bidding and relocation processes of salmon farm concessions.
On the other hand, the authority evaluates the possibility of giving the National Fisheries Service (Sernapesca) greater powers.
In this regard, the Undersecretary of Fisheries said: "After recognizing the importance of the work Sernapesca does, we are working to reform its powers. Studies are underway and we are working together with the Minister of Economy to increase resources and improve its procedures as a regulator."
Last week, Sernapesca complained to Subpesca that the company Trusal had not complied with break times that the law sets for the neighbourhoods (aquaculture concession groups).
Under the Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture, the neighbourhoods must stop their activities for three months after completion of salmon planting, cultivation and harvest.