July 16, 2008
World coarse grain production up 1.5 million tonnes this month
World coarse grain production increased 1.5 million tonnes this month to 1,069 million tonnes, as output growth in other countries more than offset the US output decline.
Global corn production remains at 775.3 million tonnes. Production for millet, barley and sorghum also increased, which offset the slight decreases in oats and rye production.
The EU has the biggest increase this month in projected coarse grain production, up 2.1 million tonnes to 151.4 million tonnes. Corn output forecast increased 1.3 million tonnes to 57.5 million tonnes due to expanded acreage in France. Barley production is expected to grow 0.8 million tonnes to 60.8 million tonnes, as better-than-expected yields in Spain, France, Finland, and Hungary offset lower yields in Poland and Germany.
India's coarse grain production prospects went up 2 million tonnes this month to 37.4 million tonnes, as an early start of the monsoon has helped increase area and boosted yield prospects. India's corn production is expected to grow 1 million tonnes to 18.5 million tonnes due to increased use of high-yield hybrid corn and timely planting. India's millet production forecast also increased 1 million tonnes to 10.5 million tonnes.
An on-year acreage increase is expected, and with good planting conditions, average yields are expected to nearly reach levels a year ago.
Canada's coarse grain production forecast for this year decreased 1.3 million tonnes to 23.7 million tonnes due to lower acreage. Barley and oats output were each reduced 0.5 million tonnes while corn output was cut by 0.3 million tonnes.
Corn acreage also dropped in Russia and Ukraine. Russia has shortages of good hybrid corn seed and its corn output for this year is forecast to fall by 1 million tonnes to 5.8 million tonnes. Ukraine's corn production is expected to decline 0.5 million tonnes to 9.5 million tonnes.
In Argentina, there is a large increase in barley acreage as wheat became less attractive due to export registrations. Argentine barley output is up 0.4 million tonnes this month to 2 million tonnes.
Australia also increased oat acreage this month, boosting production by 0.2 million tonnes to 1.5 million tonnes.
Lastly, China's initial summer-crop harvest reports suggest a 0.3-million-tonne increase in barley production to 3.5 million tonnes.
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