July 8, 2011


Avian flu hits Minnesota's poultry shipments



Hong Kong, Cuba, Guatemala, Singapore and Taiwan have cancelled poultry exports from Wright County, Minnesota, after cases of low-pathogenic bird flu have been found, according to the USDA.


"Countries have banned imports of poultry from Minnesota because low-pathogenic avian influenza cases were confirmed in the state," said Workabeba Yigzaw, a spokeswoman for the USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.


Hong Kong stopped imports of poultry meat and products derived from birds raised or processed in Wright Country on or after July 4, according to the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service. Cuba and Guatemala stopped all shipments of raw poultry and poultry meat products in that county from birds slaughtered on or after June 29, the agency said.


Singapore stopped imports of fresh or frozen poultry meat from birds raised and processed in Wright County, Minnesota on or after July 4, the USDA said. Taiwan halted imports of all poultry meat and products loaded-on-board vessel on or after June 29, the agency said.

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