June 29, 2017
Zhengchang to build feed production site in Tocantins, Brazil
Jiangsu Zhengchang Group Co., Ltd. plans to set up two industrial units - an animal feed production site and a biomass-fired thermal power station - in Palmas, the capital of Brazilian state Tocantins, Macauhub reports.
According to Chiu Po Cheng, vice president of the Brazil-China Chamber of Commerce (CCBC), the units will be built on a 50,000 square metres area, with the animal feed unit having an installed capacity to produce 10 tonnes daily.
Cheng also revealed that Zhengchang's other plans in Brazil include building grain silos as well as silos purposed for other agricultural products and food exports to China.

A Zhengchang representative said that the construction of the industrial units will commence "as soon as the board of directors approves the investments to be made".


- Macauhub 

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