June 28, 2011
Microbix receives notice of allowed patent claims for LumiSort
Microbix Biosystems Inc. announced receipt of a notice from the US Patent and Trademark Office, allowing all claims of its first pending US patent application for LumiSort sperm sexing technology for the livestock industries.
William J Gastle, Chief Executive Officer of Microbix, said, "Securing allowance for all claims of the US LumiSort application is a critical step that significantly enhances the value of the LumiSort intellectual property. This milestone comes at an important juncture for LumiSort as a game-changing development in sperm cell selection as we move aggressively toward commercialization by 2012."
According to engineering studies, LumiSort technology will enable the analysis and separation of sperm cells up to 10 times faster, and with higher yield and fertility, than current market technology.
Microbix will exercise its option to request the issuance of the LumiSort patent once it has completed additional strategic steps to further strengthen the file.
Microbix is pursuing related patent applications that are pending in jurisdictions worldwide, and accelerating its program to sign license agreements with additional distributors of products for livestock reproduction.