First-ever Aviagen Ross Parent Stock Flock in Sicily, Italy
Aviagen's Ross® broiler breeder has recently expanded to the further corners of Europe with Aviagen® Italia's customer AVISP placing the first-ever Ross Parent Stock (PS) flock in Sicily, Italy.
AVISP invested in new facilities, including one rearing farm and two laying houses. Antonello Messina and Emiliano Guerrieri, AVISP veterinarian and breeder manager respectively, attended the Aviagen Europe, Middle East and Africa School last year and will apply the knowledge and skills gained to manage their PS flocks.
Claudio Ambrogio, general manager Aviagen Italia, said: "Placing a Ross flock in Sicily for the first time is an important and exciting milestone for Aviagen Italia, AVISP and the Ross brand. This new chapter in AVISP's history will help the company with aspects of their planning, biosecurity and management. Aviagen Italia already enjoys a long-standing relationship with AVISP spanning more than a decade and we look forward to working with this important customer for years to come."