June 22, 2015


NOVOGEN: The confirmed choice for better genetics


After the acquisition of ISA by Hendrix Genetics in 2005, the layer genetics market was dominated by the two remaining global players - at least until 2008 when NOVOGEN came to offer an alternative and economical solution to the industry.


By Ngai Meng CHAN                                                                                             



Genetics powerhouse Groupe Grimaud launched NOVOGEN as a new layer breeding company in 2008. And the layer industry, which had long been looking for another reliable source of supply of good layer genetics, welcomed it with open arms.


The global egg market at the time had been growing 2-3% a year for decades and is still growing at the same pace, driven by rising world population and concomitant egg consumption.


As early as the mid-1990s, Groupe Grimaud started its genetic selection of layer breeds. With the global egg market experiencing steady growth and the layer breeding sector strongly consolidating, Groupe Grimaud knew it had everything to gain by setting up NOVOGEN.


As a sister company of poultry genetic companies HUBBARD and GRIMAUD FRERES, which are also part of Groupe Grimaud, NOVOGEN naturally got support from an existing global sales, marketing and logistics network and ready access to technical and research expertise.


"In particular at the R&D level, having access to many experts in the genetic selection of livestock, we benefit from the 'cross-fertilisation' of ideas within Groupe Grimaud," says NOVOGEN General Manager Mickaël Le Helloco.


On its own, however, NOVOGEN has an innovative R&D programme for the development of breeding stock products that have the ability to adapt to different livestock production conditions.

Since the start, Le Helloco explains, "NOVOGEN has had a very original and innovative selection programme in colony cages and individual cages while our competitors were using mainly individual cages." It chose to take this path, he adds, "in order to really work on the behaviour of the birds with an environment of selection close to the real field conditions of production."


As part of the company's risk mitigation strategy, NOVOGEN's R&D and production facilities are located in France, the United States and Brazil. These locations allow NOVOGEN to supply its customers breeding stock in dispatch wherever they are around the world in the event of any disease outbreaks such as avian influenza.


In addition to the traditional tools of selection, NOVOGEN relies on innovation, thus investing significantly in various fields of research. These include the development of floor selection using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system to further optimise layer behaviour. This concept has been gaining popularity as it jibes with the need for alternative housing systems in Europe and elsewhere amid growing concern for animal welfare.


"Behaviour is certainly a major concern due to the changes to alternative systems such as those on enriched cages, floor/barn systems, free range and organic. Regulations in some countries will even require stopping the treatment of beaks," Le Helloco says.


According to Le Helloco, NOVOGEN has been working on a genomics programme in association with a French research institute for some years. While it brings faster genetic progress, it would be wrong to think that genomics will replace the traditional methods of selection.


"Genomics serves as an additional tool, giving more precise information in the selection of the best elite birds in our breeding programmes for some specific traits and to speed up genetic progress," Le Helloco says.


With an innovative R&D programme well in place, Le Helloco concludes that NOVOGEN's layers breeds have been able to show their influence in the global market in the last seven years.


Building on its strength in R&D, NOVOGEN has developed a competitive range of products targeting the brown egg market with the NOVOgen BROWN products, and the white egg market with the NOVOgen WHITE products.

From the time they were launched, Le Helloco says, these products have proven themselves to be highly competitive. The commercial layers produce high egg numbers with good egg quality, high persistency of lay, excellent longevity, and optimal feed consumption.


Another strength NOVOGEN has is that it continues to be an alternative layer breeding company for independent layer hatcheries and pullet rearers around the world.


"Though NOVOGEN is relatively young as a genetics company, it has quickly gained the recognition of the layer industry as a credible player. Trial and field results of the first parent stock and commercial flocks produced by the company since 2008 met all expectations, confirming the suitability of NOVOGEN products," Le Helloco says.


Today, the company's leading products are found on every major continent and in more than 50 countries.


Following the introduction of its products in Europe, North America, Middle East, North Africa and Asia, the company has seen organic development in markets like southern Europe, Latin America and other parts in Africa.


While customer expectations in Asia don't differ with those in the West, there are certain differences between these markets, Le Helloco volunteers.


"The more challenging production conditions in Asia - sanitary, climatic, housing, etc. - require close on-field teamwork between us and our distributors to ensure that our products meet customer expectations. This is also our way of making up for our lack of a long track record, being a fairly new player in the market," Le Helloco says.


NOVOGEN has found early success in major Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, and is now well poised for further growth, he adds.


In fact, in certain Asian countries, the company even collaborates with local partners to develop domestic breeding stocks specifically for the local layer sector. This is particularly the case in India where the market requires a breed that produces smaller eggs and has greater resistance to heat stress.


Le Helloco admits that the company has not really taken advantage of China's burgeoning market potential. He believes that the Chinese market deserves a dedicated effort and a specific strategy, including the possibility of setting up a layer Great Grandparent facility in that country.


He reveals that NOVOGEN is currently looking for potential long-term partnerships for this special market.


Regardless of NOVOGEN's future development plans, the ability of this young company to produce unique, leading products will continue to excite the layer industry in the years to come.

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