June 16, 2016


FrieslandCampina appoints new chairman of Cooperative Board


The Board of Zuivelcoöperatie FrieslandCampina U.A. has appointed Frans Keurentjes as its new chairman with effect from December 20 this year.


Keurentjes will succeed Piet Boer, the current chairman of the Board and Supervisory Board. He will also take up the post of chairman of the Supervisory Board of Royal FrieslandCampina N.V. on the same date. He has been a member of both sectors since December 2006.


Erwin Wunnekink has been appointed vice-chairman of the Board and Supervisory Board, with effect also from December 20. He will succeed Jan Keijsers, who has been vice-chairman since December 16, 2014. Keijsers will remain a member of the Board of the cooperative until December 2017.


The aforementioned appointments were announced at the Members' Council of Zuivelcoöperatie FrieslandCampina U.A. on June 14.


On the same day, the Members' Council of Zuivelcoöperatie FrieslandCampina U.A. appointed Hans Hettinga and Gjalt Mulder to the Board of FrieslandCampina. The appointments will take effect on December 20. Hettinga and Mulder will also become members of the Supervisory Board from the same date.


Hettinga served on the Members' Council of Zuivelcoöperatie FrieslandCampina U.A. (and its legal precursors) between 1998 and 2011, and was chairman of the Zuidwest-Friesland district during his last six years.


Mulder has served on the Members' Council of Zuivelcoöperatie FrieslandCampina U.A. since 2007, and has been chairman of the Centraal-Friesland district since 2009.

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