June 16, 2011


CAIA: Canada government's move affirms aquaculture value



The Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA) is happy to see the government of Nova Scotia and Fisheries & Oceans Canada acknowledging the value of aquaculture with the permission of leases for two new salmon farms in St. Mary's Bay.


"The government of Nova Scotia is to be congratulated for its announcement, for its exemplary support of this sustainable industry and for its efficient inter-governmental and public consultation processes," said Ruth Salmon, CAIA Executive Director.


"Canada's CAD2.1 billion (US$2.14 billion) aquaculture industry is strong, but given our vast potential, our overall footprint is still very small and our contribution to global aquaculture production also remains small," said Salmon. "Canada needs commitment from provincial and federal government to the growth of this innovative and science-based industry."


Given the decline of resource-based industries, aquaculture has proven to be a revitalising social and economic force for many rural and coastal communities. These recent approvals will help attract new investment, create jobs, foster innovation and make our farmers more competitive and productive, which will have a multiplier effect throughout the Canadian economy.


Salmon said CAIA is also encouraged with the progress being made by the provincial and federal governments departments in British Columbia in their review of a replacement farm site at Plover Point, which is located in Clayoquot Sound. Once this site is in place the existing site in Clayoquot Sound will then be transferred to the Ahousaht First Nation for their use.


As the voice of Canada's aquaculture industry, the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA) represents aquaculture operators, feed companies and suppliers, as well as provincial finfish and shellfish aquaculture associations.

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