June 6, 2016


Elanco launches alternative to shared-class antibiotics in poultry industry


Elanco Animal Health has introduced InteprityTM, a first-in-class, animal-use only, in-feed antibiotic developed for the prevention of mortality caused by necrotic enteritis associated with Clostridium perfringens in broiler chickens, the company announced in May.


Under supervision of a veterinarian, Inteprity supports bird health and well-being, and demonstrates a responsible approach to antibiotic use.


Necrotic enteritis is a serious and constant threat to the health and welfare of poultry flocks. Due to the reduction of antibiotic use in poultry, the incidence of necrotic enteritis is on the rise, with daily mortality rates as high as 1%.


"Inteprity helps promote healthy birds, and it also fits within antibiotic policies looking to reduce shared-class antibiotic use," said Dr. Sara Steinlage, poultry technical advisor at Elanco. "Inteprity is the first animal-use only antibiotic for the prevention of mortality caused by necrotic enteritis associated with Clostridium perfringens in poultry. Delivery of this important innovation also aligns with Elanco's Eight-Point Antibiotic Stewardship Plan."


In studies, Inteprity (avilamycin) reduced mortality due to necrotic enteritis between 76% to 93% versus the control group.3-5


"Elanco is dedicated to working with veterinarians and producers toward judicious antibiotic use, and our new animal-use only antibiotic solution is a step in the right direction," said Steinlage. "Administered using a Veterinary Feed Directive, Inteprity offers mortality prevention while also promoting judicious antibiotic use with veterinarian oversight."

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