June 2, 2011
Argentina and Mexico to collaborate in aquaculture sector
Both Mexican and Argentine governments signed a cooperation contract for the exchange of knowledge, data and skill in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
The agreements were signed by the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing of Argentina, Julián Andrés DomÃnguez, and the head of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (Sagarpa) from Mexico, Francisco Mayorga Castañeda.
The event was attended by the presidents of Argentina and Mexico, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, respectively.
"The relationship between Argentina and Mexico is experiencing one of the best moments currently," stressed the president of Mexico.
The agreements signed are connected to primary production, technological innovation, rural development, value added and marketing, among other issues, said the National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries (Conapesca).
As part of the official visit of the Argentine delegation to Mexico, DomÃnguez signed an agreement on fisheries and aquaculture that will be valid for two years.
The main objective of this initiative is to establish the basis for cooperation which will enable both nations to increase and facilitate the implementation of shared projects and programmes.
"This collaboration will include the areas of marine fisheries, aquaculture, management and conservation of fishery resources and aquatic product processing, among others," said Conapesca.
Mexico will develop activities that will be identified and defined through Conapesca and the National Fisheries Institute (Inapesca).
This agreement will allow the exchange of information and technology in catching, processing, distribution and transportation, marketing fishery and aquaculture product techniques, and the promotion and strengthening of relations between Mexican and Argentine fisheries research institutions.
Both parties also agreed on the need for research on fisheries and aquaculture and for exchanging human resources.
Also, the cooperation between private sectors from both countries dedicated to fishing, sub-items of fishing and aquaculture will be promoted and fostered.
According to the Mexican president, the signature of these agreements means the start of a new stage of cooperation between the two nations.
Fernandez de Kirchner pointed out that this is the first time that Argentina and Mexico have this level of closeness and warmth.