Hypor Magnus Boar scores high on Maple Leaf Foods' index rankings

Pork producers that use the Hypor Magnus Duroc on their operations held 58 of the top 120 rankings on the Hams Marketing index for pigs shipped to Maple Leaf Foods in Brandon, Canada, during 2016.
"Having so many of the top indexing farms using the Magnus is very significant," says Hypor sales manager, Carl Esau. "Higher indexes means higher payouts for producers." Hypor customers were featured frequently on the monthly top 10 lists for 2016, and held seven of the top 10 places during the month of April.
Every month, Hams Marketing Services, Western Canada's largest hog marketing organisation, ranks the quality of pigs from Manitoba and Saskatchewan-based producers marketed to Maple Leaf Foods. Maple Leaf Foods is one of Canada's leading consumer packaged meat companies.
Maple Leaf pays producers based on a combination of carcass weight and index score. The index takes into account the weight of the carcass and the lean yield percentage. For example, pigs with an index of 111 will receive a 5% bonus on the standard market value compared to pigs with an index of 106.
"Each increase in the index adds up for the producer, especially when you consider the impact it has on the thousands of pigs our customers market each and every year," Esau says.
The carcass grading system helps meat packers market uniform products by offering incentives to producers that supply pigs that fit their criteria.
"The Hypor Magnus Duroc does an excellent job of meeting this criteria due to its ability to produce a lean carcass at heavy market weights," Esau comments. The average weight for Canadian market pigs is around 129 kg and is increasing.
The Hypor Magnus combines desirable carcass traits, superior growth and excellent feed conversion to meet the needs of the North American market. The sire line is one of the most popular terminal lines in Canada, and is growing in popularity in the US.
Recent independent trials show that the Hypor Magnus outperforms competing Duroc and Duroc-cross boars in both live performance and carcass quality.
"The Hypor Magnus combines low cost of production with high carcass quality for total system profitability," Esau says. "This is a win for the pork producer, the packing plant and the consumer."
- Hypor