April 28, 2015


Kemin promotes butyric acid product in Taiwan




Kemin conducted a series of seminars in Taiwan to promote ButiPEARL, their sustained release butyric acid product.


The seminars, which composed of two farmers' seminars and one feed mill seminar, attracted over a hundred customers.


During the feed mill seminar, Professor Hsieh of NPUST, presented the importance and use of probiotics in animals, which was followed by Dr. Dexter Abrigo's presentation titled "Butyric acid and its practical application in improving animal performance" which was focussed on the applications of ButiPEARL in swine and poultry. James Chang, Sales Manager Taiwan, then presented CLS's innovation - the ButiPEARL test kit, which garnered the interest of the feed mill customers.


The farmers' seminars, on the other hand, were attended by small to medium scale swine farm owners. Dr. Abrigo discussed applications of butyric acid in swine, highlighting the use of ButiPEARL during cases of PED, which are prevalent in Taiwan. Mr. Chang also presented the ButiPEARL test kit as the means to differentiate Kemin's product from the other butyrate products available in the market.

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