February 23, 2015


AB Vista to show benefits of optimised enzyme use at VIV Asia 2015

AB Vista, a global supplier of micro-ingredients for the animal feed industry, will demonstrate how to make the most of enzymes at this year's VIV Asia 2015 to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, on March 11-13.


The company will also host two seminars on opening day in Room 216 at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre. The first, at 2:30p.m., will feature AB Vista's technical director for Asia-Pacific, Dr.UsamaAftab, who will speak on an approach to dietary non-starch polysaccharides.


The second, presented by the company's research director, Dr. Mike Bedford, will focus on superdosing of phytase to improve profitability.


AB Vista's global sales director, Ari Kiviniemi, said that while superdosing may be a relatively new concept in Asia, it has gained momentum in other parts of the world.


Superdosing takes phytase use beyond simple nutrient release, by adding an optimisedphytase, such as Quantum Blue, at three to four times the standard dose; this destroys the majority of the phytate anti-nutrient found in feed.


"Research suggests that by 2019, superdosing could account for more than 30% of all tonnes treated with phytase globally, saving the industry billions through improved performance," Mr.Kiviniemisaid.


During the show, AB Vista will also conduct a quiz in its booth (No. G033, Hall 103),to test attendees' knowledge on enzymes for a chance to win an iPad mini.


A cocktail reception will also be held on March 11 at 4:30p.m.


To RSVP for the seminars, e-mail:Roxanne.chew@abvista.com. For more information, contact AB Vista at +44(0)1672 517 650 or info@abvista.com.

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