February 15, 2017


South Korea top seafood consumer-FAO report



A Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) survey showed that South Korea is the top seafood consumer in the world, Yonyap News Agency reported on Monday.


The survey, entitled "The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture", found that the average South Korean consumed an average 58.4 kilogrammes of seafood a year in during the period 2013-2015, followed by the average Norwegian with 53.3 kg, Japanese with 50.2 kg, Chinese 39.5 kg and Vietnamese 35.4 kg.


The study included 24 countries whose demand for seafood products was high.


The US' average yearly consumption was 23.7 kg, and that of the EU was 22 kg.


The average consumption for members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development was 24.7 kg.


In the 1960s, the global average was 9.9 kg.


According to the report, the volume of fisheries demand will rise 18.4% from 39.15 million tonnes in 2014 to 46.36 million tonnes in 2025.


Asia will be the biggest seafood seller, accounting for about 67% of total exports, the report said.

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