February 6, 2015
Agritech Expo returns to Chisamba, Zambia
"This year, our aim is to make Agritech bigger, stronger and real (sic). We have increased the exhibition space. We have also dedicated one of the three days as a focus day for commercial and emerging commercial farmers," said Dr. Evelyn Nguleka, president of the Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU). The ZNFU is the owner and host of Agritech Expo.
"We saw from the over-subscription last year that this is what the farming community needs. We would like to build on last year's successes and make this event one that farmers and other agribusiness players will always be looking forward to," Dr. Nguleka added.
"Agritech has proven itself not only as networking platform, but a unique and targeted business platform, where actual sales happen. Never before have we had sales of over a million USD at an agricultural show."
Last year's event reported: 8,000 farmers and agri-professionals attended the expo and conference; VIP participants such as Zambian vice-president Dr. Guy Scott, the Minister of Livestock and Agriculture, the Honourable Minister Wylbur Simuusa, and former Zambian President Ruphia B. Banda; 69 exhibitors displayed the latest technology in farming and post-harvest; 23-hectare expo site including crop trials; 100 journalists covered the event; 40 exhibitors from the country's leading poultry event, the Zambia Poultry Expo.
New event features this year include: expo extended from two to three days; VIP business area; sprayer arena of 14,000m²; livestock equipment section; Zambian SME village.
Dr. Nguleka also highlighted the potential of Zambia towards agricultural development. She said, "At the moment, Zambia is the only country that is self-sufficient in wheat production. We would like to strengthen this position and continue to make Zambia relevant in the region in as far as agriculture is concerned. Zambia is surrounded by eight neighbours who are a potential market for agricultural produce. Our vision is that, when the region thinks of food, it should think Zambia."
Agritech Expo is organised by Spintelligent, leading Cape Town-based trade exhibition and conference organiser, and the African office of Clarion Events Ltd, based in the United Kingdom.