January 30, 2015


UAE, Chile agreement to improve aquaculture trade



An agreement to improve the fishery and aquaculture trade between Chile and UAE has been signed by Luis Felipe Cespedes, the head of the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism of Chile, and  Rashid Ahmed bin Fahad, the Minister of Environment and Water of the UAE.


With that accord, both nations will engage in information exchange on aquatic product safety as well as streamlining bilateral trade according to their laws and regulations.


In addition, there will be cooperation in inspection and quarantine processes while internal control procedures for trade will come under review.


Packaging for exports to the UAE will comply with Chilean requirements. Chile's National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca) is also obligated to produce a health certificate, declaring that exports fulfill standards as mandated in the latest agreement.


Chiefly one of UAE's demands is that Chilean salmon to the country are not fed with proteins extracted from pigs, Sernapesca said.


According to Jose Miguel Burgos, the director of Sernapesca, the memorandum will come into force next month and last for five years.

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